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Monday, January 31, 2011

Multiple Reading and Writing

#include"< stdio.h >"

int x,y,z;

// Declaring three Integer variables where u can store numbers within range

printf("Enter Three Numbers : (Press Enter after each number)\n");
scanf("%d %d %d",&x,&y,&z);

// %d says the input is an integer. (it have used three times since three inputs)
// &x point gives the address of variable x to store the value on x
// &y point gives the address of variable x to store the value on y
// &z point gives the address of variable x to store the value on z

printf("the values you entered is : %d %d %d ",x,y,z);

// %d says the input is an integer (it have used three times since three outputs)
// x gives the value which have stored in it
// y gives the value which have stored in it
// z gives the value which have stored in it


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